Commercial Clothes Washers for Professional Fabricare Facilities
A growing percentage of items funnelled through progressive drycleaning/fabricare facilities are now wet cleaned—often with superior results over traditional methods. Wetcleaning helps fabricare and drycleaning operations comply with rigid environmental regulations regarding the use of cancer-causing perchloroethylene (perc). Wet cleaning is not only less labour intensive than dry cleaning, it’s safer. It is an effective option for cleaning suedes, leathers, silks, cotton and more…
Fabricare professionals are looking for wetcleaning machines with programmability, chemical injection capabilities and multiple extract speeds. Pro-Series Commercial Washer-Extractors offer programmable extract speeds up to 387 G-force and variable wash speeds, fill levels and temperature by degree on every bath. They are wetcleaning machines packed with features designed to improve productivity, simplify the wash process and turnout a consistent, quality result. When teamed with Pro-Series Industrial Ironers and Commercial Dryers, fabricare and drycleaning operations realize even more benefits.
Automatic Chemical Injection
Pro-Series wet cleaning machines offer automatic chemical injection capabilities—an essential feature for proper removal of stains and other contaminants. Auto injection eliminates the need for adding chemicals manually and reduces chemical overuse and waste— simplifying operation to reduce labour. Typically, an automatic chemical injection can result in significant savings in detergent costs.
A Soft-Mount Design is Key
For some facilities with little space, a soft-mount design means Pro-Series wet cleaning machines can be installed nearly anywhere without concrete foundations or bolts—making installations easier and less expensive. Additionally, soft-mount commercial washers bring higher extract capabilities, which improves wash quality and quickens resulting in dry-time.
Pro-Series commercial washers are highly programmable to clean delicates to rugged fabrics or simulate gentle hand washing. They feature a simple programming system with 79 program selections, including 20 pre-programmed options and 59 user-programmable options. Program extract speed, wash speed, fill level, cycle time, temperature by degree and number of baths. These commercial washers couldn’t be simpler to operate— just push a button and go!
Team them with Pro-Series Commercial Dryers and Flatwork Industrial Ironers
Continental Pro-Series Flatwork Industrial Ironers allow linens to be fed directly from the washer to the ironer, which eliminates dryer conditioning altogether. This is an exclusive Continental feature! In doing so, items can be finished in considerably less time, using less labour and utilities. When items require drying, Continental`s Pro-Series Commercial Dryers offer programmable controls, ease of use and built-in safety features.