Laundry Equipment for the Fire Department/EMS Industries
Contaminated protective gear exposes firefighters to potentially life-threatening chemicals, biological agents and particulate matter. If not dealt with properly, soiled protective gear can also pass on contaminants to the public at large. The key to limiting a firefighter’s exposure to such hazards is proper decontamination of soiled gear, which after a fire, car accident or similar event, can be laden with life-threatening chemicals, blood, body fluids or particulate matter.
Commercial Washer Extractors for Fire Departments
The Best Way to Clean Gear? A Highly Programmable, Soft-mount Commercial Washer & Air Drying
Industry experts agree a highly programmable commercial washer-extractor is key to washing gear correctly in order to avoid damage to the gear itself. Fire departments should use washer-extractors offering programmable water temperatures and levels, extract speeds, multiple bath options, and automatic chemical (detergent) injection. They should also be able to program multiple wash actions, cylinder rotation options, and wash time. High Performance Washer-Extractors effectively remove contamination from protective apparel—keeping firefighters safe! The front-load washers can automatically inject the right type and quantities of detergents at the appropriate water temperature and level—preventing inconsistent and damaging results.
For more information on RAM Gear Dryers click on the following link: http://www.ramairgeardryer.com/
Why is Continental Girbau’s High Performance Soft-Mount Washer Extractor Design Critical?
Because you may not have the budget, time or space to install a concrete foundation with reinforcing rebar. With Continental’s soft-mount design, fire departments can install their washer-extractors in truck bays, utility rooms or storage areas — without bolts and new foundations. The high performance soft mount commercial washer extractors slide easily into place.
Programmability is Key
Turnout gear is costly and should be washed carefully according to manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent damage. That means water temperatures and levels, extract speeds, baths and cycle times must be programmable. Using different programs, a fire department can wash a variety of items — turnout suit shells and linings, truck towels, EMS jump suits and more. In use at laundries worldwide for more than 17 years, Continentals’ high performance commercial washers feature an easy-to-understand programming system with 79 program selections, including 20 pre-programmed options and 59 user-programmable options.
One-Touch Operation
Once programmed, operators simply choose a program number and the machine automatically blends optimum water temperatures, water levels, chemicals, extraction speeds and cycle time — ensuring quality laundering results.